Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lunar New Year Post # 4

so for all of you out there wondering how i can do all this art with two little ones underfoot, let me tell you that i can't.  tonight's post might as well be called "Why a home studio needs to have a lock on it."  so here is the evolution of a piece from a sketch, to a finish, to a ruin.  it's a piece from my book "12 days of christmas", coming out later this year.  i had just finished this painting, left it on my drawing board, and went to use the restroom.  when i came back, my little three year old (well, two and a half at the time) had snuck in and put his own brilliant swashes all over it.  it was the only time in my life i ever screamed at my son, and then broke down into tears.  even now, i can't look at it without a strong pain in my heart...  but c'est la vie!  my kid is still adorable to me, but MAN i've discovered the way that i must lock my studio door from now on, even just going to the bathroom...

here's the sketch

the finish

the ruin!

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